► A handful of people have written in to ask us why malfated.com doesn’t come up when they google the word ‘malfated’.
The answer to the question is simple, though somewhat irritating. For some reason, Google have decided that young people shouldn’t be looking at malfated.com. Either we’re too candid, too subversive, or we simply say ‘fuck’ far too often. Someone pass the soap.
Unfortunately, if you wish to access the pages of this website via a Google search you’ll have to switch your ‘Safesearch’ off. If you’re not sure how to go about doing this, here’s a quick step-by-step:
■ Visit www.google.com
■ To the right of the search box, you’ll see a link entitled ‘Preferences’ - click it
■ Scroll down until you see the ‘Safe Search Filtering’ options
■ Select ‘Do not filter my search results’
■ Click the ‘Save preferences’ button
Voila! We’re back in your search results.
Special thanks to those who let us know they were encountering a problem finding us in the Google jungle. Happy hunting!